Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Steps To Make Strong Pasword In Facebook

You need to have a strong facebook password because if someone hacks into your facebook account they will get access to all your personal information and data. Statistics suggest that more than 600000 facebook accounts are hacked every day. For this reason, it is important to have a strong password, and one of the most reliable ways of having a strong password is to create one that is difficult to crack. A strong password has to balance security with our ability to remember it. It’s a tough line — the most memorable passwords are the easiest to crack, while the most secure are impossible to recall.

Tips For Creating a Strong Password :
  • Create a mix of upper and lower case letters.
  • Choose minimum length of 10 characters.
  • Randomly replace letters with numbers, e.g. flirt becomes fl1r7.
  • Pick the sentence which is meaningful to you and reduce it to first letter of each word only, e.g. “Whatever I Do I Do It For Fun” becomes WIDIDIFF. After this you can add complexity by adding letters and special characters. Ex “W1Did!fF11”
  • Take a word and reverse spell it, e.g. neighbourhood becomes doohruobhgien. Then include special characters and numbers, e.g. neighbourhood finally became d00hurobhG!3N.
  • Take a word and insert punctuation marks in there somewhere to mess up the crackers – ex. “coffee” as “co%ff*ee”
  • Use entire keyboard and not just the characters that you use too often.
 Note: Create individual password for different accounts. Your Facebook account password should not be same for your other accounts over the web.
Test Your Password: 
Now after making a strong password do you want to make sure that you have got a strong password?
The Password Meter will reveal details about the strengths and weaknesses of your password. However, if your password is too long, i.e. too safe, this test will actually fail. You can even check on how secure is my password. The site will even tell you how long the average PC would take to crack it.

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